Establishing an import and export company in the Emirates; it requires the investor to know all the legal procedures and take some steps. This is due to the attraction of any investor to the privileges it provides that facilitate various projects. In addition to the fertile investment environment that provides entrepreneurs with all services. Whether on the mainland or in one of the free zones.  It is also one of the leading centers in this field in the world thanks to its large port

Establishing an import and export company in the Emirates

Some entrepreneurs are thinking of starting a small business in Dubai.

Which makes them search for the steps that must take when wanting to create a project.

Therefore, Tasyeir company explains to you the correct procedures for establishing an import and export company.

Conducting a feasibility study for an import and export company in the Emirates

Anyone who intends to establish an import and export company in the Emirates must conduct a feasibility study to know the nature and requirements of the project.

The feasibility study may be one of the important first steps when establishing any project. As it concerned with studying the work that the person wants to do to ensure its success.

Develop an import and export business plan for the project

Before establishing an import and export company in the Emirates, a realistic business plan must be developed.

The plan must also cover all aspects that will be followed to start work.

Taking into account that it includes all matters related to the budget, marketing. The goals that the investor wants to achieve, and the expected risks and how to overcome them.

Determine the business activity and then the legal form

After reviewing the feasibility study and the executable plan, the nature of the company’s economic activity is determined and the types of commercial licenses in Dubai are determined. Whether a commercial, professional or industrial license.

As for the legal form, it depends mainly on the business requirements and is subject to the regulations and laws that the investor must adhere to.

It is worth noting that the legal forms are diverse, from which business owners choose what suits the nature of the activity.

Registering the company’s commercial name

 In this step, the commercial name of your company reserved and commercial register with the relevant authority.

But it is necessary to pay attention to this stage because the name is what distinguishes the place.

When choosing a name, you must pay close attention to applying the registration rules stated by the Department of Economic Development affiliated with the emirate to which your company belongs.

Submit an initial approval request

Before establishing an import and export company in the UAE, initial approval must obtain.

It serves as a declaration that the state does not object to the establishing a company in Dubai.

The investor can then move to the next stage.

It is worth noting that the application for approval submitted to the Department of Economic Development.

Obtaining import and export licenses for a company in the Emirates

After the investor obtains approval, he can follow up the matter with the relevant authorities to complete the remaining procedures, which include obtaining the commercial license.

This is done by going to the authority responsible for issuing it, then paying the specified fees.

It must be noted that this step includes procedures for licensing the legal company approved in the emirate in which you intend to establish an import and export company.

Marketing for the company “import and export”

Marketing is very important for all activities and businesses, not only in the UAE but in all countries.

However, the marketing plan varies from one company to another depending on the nature of the company’s activity and the target segment of customers.

For example; when establishing an import and export company in the Emirates. The target groups of exports and imports are attracted to ensure the success and continuity of the business.

What is the difference between import and export?

Importing refers to the purchase of products and services that are lacking in the citizens of a country, and these goods are called imports.

Export means sending products from one country to another with the aim of selling them to increase the domestic product of the exporting country.

It is worth noting that entering your field makes you one of these cases:

  • A merchant wishes to import goods.
  • As well as, a merchant wishing to export his goods.
  • An intermediary, which means working in import and export, but for the account of others.

The cost of an import and export company in the Emirates

One of the most important procedures for establishing a company in Dubai is determining the cost necessary to establish an import and export company in the Emirates.

This depends on many factors, including the location of the company, the nature of the commercial activity, and the legal form you choose. Then identifying the costs of obtaining the necessary papers to practice the activity, whether import, export, or commercial activity.  

Scrolling, and by knowing all the elements, you can determine the full cost to start creating a project.

Tasyeir the best company in implementing your project

Establishing an import and export company in the Emirates is no longer a difficult matter after the existence of Tasyeir company that helps with all the services required of the investor when starting his project. It also provides you with project documents and licenses to start your business, despite the presence of multiple facilities provided by the government that help entrepreneurs to succeed in their projects and establish their own companies and achieve advantages of opening a company in Dubai. However, Tasyeir company can help you take all the steps and pass the conditions to establish your company as quickly as possible.


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