The question of how to establish a company in Dubai’s free zones is on the minds of many investors and entrepreneurs looking to initiate new projects or expand their businesses, where Dubai is the top destination for anyone interested in setting up their company, thanks to the numerous advantages it offers, in addition to its unique regulations that streamline the procedures.

How to establish a company in Dubai’s free zones?

Establishing a small company in Dubai’s free zone is much easier than establishing a company within Dubai itself, thanks to the numerous advantages these free zones offer. 

Although investors may face some challenges when choosing among the various free zones, Tasyeir can assist you in making the right choice based on their extensive experience. 

Tasyeir works to help investors and entrepreneurs select the appropriate free zone based on the nature of their business activities. 

They also assist in establishing process, minimizing both time and costs. 

Establishing a company in Dubai’s free zone involves the following steps:

Determining the type of activity: 

The first step in how to establish a company in Dubai’s free zones is to choose the type of business activity. 

This choice is essential to obtain a license to operate in the free zone. 

Different types of licenses are available, such as commercial, media, industrial, educational, and more.

Selecting the legal structure: 

how to establish a company in Dubai’s free zones can take one of two legal forms: 

  • A Limited Liability Company (LLC).
  • A Free Zone Establishment (FZE). 
  • While not all free zones require the registration of both legal forms, most options are available in every free zone.

Registering the commercial name:

This is one of the most important steps in establishing a business in Dubai. 

Each free zone has its own specific conditions and guidelines for registering a company name.

Choosing an office and work facilities: 

Entrepreneurs have the option to either buy or rent office space for their company. 

The location must meet certain requirements, depending on the type of business activity conducted.

It is worth noting that establishing a company in Dubai without sponsors in the Dubai’ Free Zone contains office spaces that are fully furnished or ready for direct work, which can be used until the work permit is quickly obtained.

Initial Approval of how to establish a company in Dubai’s free zones: 

Certain business activities may require additional approvals from relevant government authorities. 

However, the initial approval process for obtaining a company licensing in the free zone typically involves:

  • Submitting a complete application form.
  • As well as, lease agreement.
  • Shareholder signatures.
  • As well as, passport copies.
  • Previous financial reports.
  • As well as a business plan.

Registering the establishment

After you obtain the initial approval for how to establish a company in Dubai’s free zones.

The investor must pay the registration fees and then cover the costs of the license, which depend on its type.

It’s worth noting that establishing a commercial company for saudias in Dubai’s free zones involves registering the business within the free zone jurisdiction, and this requires specific documents, including:

  • A complete registration application with all the required details.
  • As well as, company establishment contracts duly attested by a notary public.
  • A personal photo with the same dimensions as the passport photo and a white background.
  • As well as, capital data.
  • A certified resolution appointing the company’s manager, issued by a notary public.

Cost of establishing a company in Dubai’s free zones

Among the procedures for establishing a company in Dubai, the cost is a significant factor. 

This cost includes the amount of rent for the chosen property location for the company. 

Consequently, this amount varies depending on the location, size, and type of office space.

It’s worth mentioning that fees for obtaining residence visas for employees and the necessary licenses are paid in the first year and remain valid for up to three years. 

As for the rent and service fees for facilities, they are paid annually.

Types of free zones in Dubai

There are two types of free zones for establishing a company in Dubai:

  • Free Zone Limited Liability Company.
  • Free Zone Establishment. 

It’s worth mentioning that the main difference between these two types lies in the number of shareholders and the legal structure.

Each free zone in Dubai has its own set of rules and regulations, which can vary from one zone to another. 

Therefore, business owners need to choose a free zone that aligns with their company’s requirements and complies with the relevant legal regulations.

Advantages of how to establish a company in Dubai’s free zones

Companies established in Dubai’s free zones is subject to different laws and various regulations according to what is determined by the authority of each free zone,but they all share these advantages:

  • 100% tax exemption on import and export duties.
  • Freedom to transfer capital.
  • Profit repatriation of up to 100% in economic zones.
  • 100% ownership of the company without the need for a local sponsor.
  • A robust banking system with high liquidity and government support.
  • No restrictions on currency transfers.
  • Ease and speed of conducting business operations.

Start your business with Tasyeir

Tasyeir is a company that provides company formation services in Dubai’s free zones for entrepreneurs from various nationalities. 

They handle the paperwork, necessary permits, and government procedures, saving investors time and effort. 

With their experienced team, you can establish your company.

Thus, without wasting any time or effort on the part of the investor, the company is established and the necessary permits are obtained accurately at low costs. 

Tasyeir Company also undertakes the clearance of government transactions, legal procedures, renewal of work licenses, and all services related to how to establish a company in Dubai’s free zones.


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